Can't believe she is six today! I remember waiting for her, so excited!(really thought she was a boy) She is the completion to our little family! She is fun, and sweet, and sassy, and has a personality 100 times bigger than her cute little self! Six or sixteen or forty-six she will always be the baby! There is not a day that goes by that she doesn't crack us up! Her whiny little voice eats on your last nerve but it is part of who she is! We had a cake for her yesterday... she insisted that Aunt Shell make her cake. We had lasagna, and eggballs, chicken. wine and yes.... CAKE! She is part of a great big fun, dynamic, loud Italian family, and adds her own little bit of "Lucarelli" to the gang! I love her... I sooooo love her! Thank you God for this little piece of heaven! Happy 6th birthday to my baby!
P.S. Happy Anniversary to Michelle and Chet on a long lasting marriage! You two are an inspiration!!!!!!
P.S.S. Kuddos to me on her "bling" shirt w/ "6" studded in rinestones. I saw it in a catalog for $34.99 and made it myself for under$10.00! Go mama!!!!