Monday, March 30, 2009


Can't believe she is six today! I remember waiting for her, so excited!(really thought she was a boy) She is the completion to our little family! She is fun, and sweet, and sassy, and has a personality 100 times bigger than her cute little self! Six or sixteen or forty-six she will always be the baby! There is not a day that goes by that she doesn't crack us up! Her whiny little voice eats on your last nerve but it is part of who she is! We had a cake for her yesterday... she insisted that Aunt Shell make her cake. We had lasagna, and eggballs, chicken. wine and yes.... CAKE! She is part of a great big fun, dynamic, loud Italian family, and adds her own little bit of "Lucarelli" to the gang! I love her... I sooooo love her! Thank you God for this little piece of heaven! Happy 6th birthday to my baby!
P.S. Happy Anniversary to Michelle and Chet on a long lasting marriage! You two are an inspiration!!!!!!
P.S.S. Kuddos to me on her "bling" shirt w/ "6" studded in rinestones. I saw it in a catalog for $34.99 and made it myself for under$10.00! Go mama!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Went to go see this movie today! I now see what all of the fuss is about! Seriously BEST movie I have seen in a while! It deserved every award it received! The music is amazing. I feel like I have seen into a whole other world today! A world that people like me forget about! Screw the recession! We are privileged to live in this country! I think in honor of anyone who questions just how lucky we are go see this movie! Then down load the soundtrack, cause it was awesome. Then when you are done, call me if you are thinking about booking a group trip to India, because I will go with ya! I am moved, I feel grateful, I love that the Pavillion offers $4.50 movies on Wed. mornings! I love that Lena is willing to be my movie partner, and that we both agree on what kind of movie to see! I love that every time I go see a movie... I cry! I think it is funny that she doesn't and always looks over at me as though I am some BIG sap, and says" are you really crying?" this is me! This movie made my day! hell... it made my week!!!!!!