Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Catching up!!!!!!!!

So much to write about! I promise there will much to do about Abby's first communion, and class field trips and piano recital and much more... but lat night was about catching up! Let me introduce you to Lisa, Lauren, Dina & and Andrea! I met these girls in high school, 15 years old, nothing to stop us! 20 something years later, here we are! Dina has moved away to Tennessee, we have 11 kids between us, we have supported each other through births, deaths, marriage and divorce... but last night we were 15 again! Only the conversation is a bit more mature(not really) hahahaha! We remembered old times, talked about our babies, and laughed! I mean REALLY laughed HARD! With tears rolling down cheeks, and a few head turns from others in the restaurant, we were the same! I think we all have only gotten better w/ age, and yes, now we meet for sushi, instead of the mall food court, and we talk about when we had our babies, and how they are growing up, and at one point I started cracking up, because for just a second there we were all grown up! You need times like these! Time for each other, time to reconnect, time to realize that when we finally get some "time" all we want to do is have fun! Cuz we don't know when we are going to get to do it again, we don't know how much more busy we will be next time! All of this means "yep, we have grown up" but last night felt good to just be the same old friends... Catching up!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kelly Hutcheson said...

I can hear the laughing now! How neat to have a mini class reunion on a weeknight!! lol