Well as I promised... my post on fishing! We went over to the
Lintzenich's for a family dinner w/ old friends (and new ones) and I think "Doc"( Jackson's new name for Amy's dad) had been planning this one for a while! I don't know who enjoyed it more the kids or him! As the Adults enjoyed things like brie w/ grapes and shrimp cocktail and awesome wine (or beer for some) Dr. L taught the kids fishing 101 in the lakes at
Kensington! He had it all planned out, where the adults were to sit and watch and the two trees that the kids would stay between! Youngest to oldest they went, Madison first followed by Olivia Abby, and Callie! Jackson and Reese were baiting their own hooks before long and the fish were a bite in! We all hung out until well after sunset watching them shriek and giggle! A little piece of me missed my dad for them! But what a better person than "Doc" to be the one to put his hand so gently around my babies and calmly teach them about something that means so much to him! We laughed and took lots of pictures and just enjoyed being together doing something quite simple! Then as it grew dark we headed in for a yummy dinner and MORE yummy wine and more laughing! Oh that's right... not every one... Jackson and Reese stayed out w/ their flashlights until they caught the big one! The most awesome catfish! In which Doc promptly put down his wine glass got out a fillet knife and showed them the how to of filleting the fish! These were memories that will not be forgotten! I so love the man that made these memories for them! Oh by the way... Jackson is now consumed w/ fishing! We had to go buy the exact pole we used that night, only we used shrimp this time and he fished all day yesterday off My bro in law and sis in laws house! Caught 3 mangrove snapper and a teeny tiny
snook! Yep.. he's got the
fishin bug!
I hope this blog site never goes away because you have captured some of the best memories for me and my family this summer. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to make it! I appreciate all your hard work that you put into it. I love it!! It makes me feel like I am there and not really missing out even though I live 10 hours away. : )
That had to be one of your best entries, I frigin cried you jerk...Way to go Donna,
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