Well! I did it! I sent my baby, my youngest, the little completion if my family off to Kindergarten! I mean... my baby! Where did the time go! I know all moms say it but it truly went too fast! I could have kept her another year! I know she is ready, but not me! Thought I was, but nope! The only consolation prize is that she is in such a great place! She has Jennifer and Andrea as her teachers and I know that is better than anything I could have imagined! She will come out next year a completely different little girl, but I will still call her my baby! OMG I think I just started to cry while I blog! WTF is wrong w/ me???? I sit here, the house is quiet, I have waited for this day for 9 years! I feel like I am forcing myself to stay here and just get used to the quiet, the focusing on me and what I need to get done does not come easily! I am not a "me" person! guess I,ll have to work on that! I am a very proud mama! I love sharing these pictures! I am so excited for the next two years w/ these teachers! ( for those of you not familiar w/ our new school, it is multi- age) they combine K-1, 2-3, and 4-5 classes together! 2 Teachers, teaming w/ other great teachers! what that means for us is 2 years w/ the same teachers! So for two years I get to watch them become these amazing little people w/ the same teachers! Abby has the two that Jackson had last year, They are awesome! She was a little apprehensive yesterday, a few tears, anything new is very scary for her! But They all got off of the bus yesterday w/ Big smiles telling me it was "the best first day ever!" Jackson is w/ Mr. Mazzora and he came home all excited! He is playing it all cool as he is in the 4th grade now! I think he will do great w/ this team of teachers! He said it was great and that is all I wanna here him say on the first day! oh yea he did say it felt like he was only there for "like 5 minutes" that's good right? So to all my mom friends... Cherish your time w/ them cause it really does go fast, but when you finally get to the point of them all off, I just hope your little guys are half as lucky as mine to be w/ such awesome people to fill their days! for now I think I'll clean, organize, all of those things I said i can't do w/ them around! Then they will come home and we will talk about their days, the friends they met, who likes who, and I will just soak it all up! yep... life is good, a little too quiet, but good!
WOW! I love these pictures! Especially the one of the 2 of them holding hands from behind! That put a lump in my throat!!
I love this line from your post... "OMG I think I just started to cry while I blog! WTF is wrong w/ me????"
That made me laugh out loud! Hard.
You're such a great mom! Your smile rocks!! It's mega-watt bright!!
As hard as it is/was...it's now time for you to take that time for YOURSELF. You have done and continue to do an amazing job with your children, but it's for you now...Take advantage of it! Um... aren't Sam and I his teachers too????
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