Well! I did it! I sent my baby, my youngest, the little completion if my family off to Kindergarten! I mean... my baby! Where did the time go! I know all moms say it but it truly went too fast! I could have kept her another year! I know she is ready, but not me! Thought I was, but nope! The only consolation prize is that she is in such a great place! She has Jennifer and Andrea as her teachers and I know that is better than anything I could have imagined! She will come out next year a
completely different little girl, but I will still call her my baby!
OMG I think I just started to cry while I blog!
WTF is wrong w/ me???? I sit here, the house is quiet, I have waited for this day for 9 years! I feel like I am forcing myself to stay here and just get used to the quiet, the focusing on me and what I need to get done does not come easily! I am not a "me" person! guess I,ll have to work on that! I am a very proud mama! I love sharing these pictures! I am so excited for the next two years w/ these teachers! ( for those of you not familiar w/
our new school, it is multi- age) they combine K-1, 2-3, and 4-5 classes together! 2 Teachers, teaming w/ other great teachers! what that means for us is 2 years w/ the same teachers! So for two years I get to watch them become these amazing little people w/ the same teachers! Abby has the two that Jackson had last year, They are
awesome! She was a little apprehensive yesterday, a few tears, anything new is very scary for her! But They all got off of the bus yesterday w/ Big smiles telling me it was "the best first day ever!" Jackson is w/ Mr.
Mazzora and he came home all excited! He is playing it all cool as he is in the 4
th grade now! I think he will do great w/ this team of teachers! He said it was great and that is all I wanna here him say on the first day! oh yea he did say it felt like he was only there for "like 5 minutes" that's good right? So to all my mom friends...
Cherish your time w/ them
cause it really does go fast, but when you finally get to the point of them all off, I just hope your little guys are half as lucky as mine to be w/ such
awesome people to fill their days! for now I think I'll clean, organize, all of those things I said i can't do w/ them around! Then they will come home and we will talk about their days, the friends they met, who likes who, and I will just soak it all up! yep... life is good, a little too quiet, but good!