sometimes life sucks. I got in the ring, I jabbed and covered my face and thought I held it off, then WHAM!!! knocked out, like didn't see it coming, like OUCH what the fuck was that???? I layed there, eyes blurry, head spinning and really thought I can't get up, but then, slowley I came too. I saw the ropes, I heard the count, then slowley I made my way up. I grabbed hold of the ropes and with all the strength I had I slowly pulled myself up. and here I am, 2 weeks later and I am up... a little dazed and confused, and suffering from one HUGE headache, There is a HUGE cut, that will take a long time to heal, and the scar will be big. Back at work, taking my kids out here and there, showered, a little gloss and mascara, and alot of friend therapy and sunsets. Went to see my dad for the first time in 9 years and oh boy, picture me,no bra, tank and boxers scaling a wall to get into the "ash memorial" @ vanderbilt pres. put a glass of wine down, looked up at the cross on top of that church, and said "ok... I am here... WHAT????? and what happened next? it started to rain... yep I said it ...rain, as in I am braless in a wife-beater tank and boxers and it is raining on me @ 11;30 at night at a church that I am sure has some type of high tech security system! and then there came the "ropes" again a call from a good friend "where r you... come here " and as I sat there listening to Norah Jones and just cried, a friend pulls up in her van, braless as well, and says "I am here your gonna be ok, I know this hurts but you can do it"! and here I go pulling up on those ropes... I am up, I am dizzy, I an not sure how stable I am to stand, but I know those ropes are my bitches, I can't thank you my friends enough for being my ropes, for texting, calling, PRAYING, crying, offering to sleep @ my house, taking my kiddos, and most of all telling me how strong Iam, how I can do this, and I am NOT CRAZY!!!!! I am sure there will be a few more times I fall, get knocked out, but I know I have some strong ropes around my crazy life in the ring, and I have never felt better knowing you bitches got my back!!!!! Life is CRAZY, not fair and DAMN this hurts, but I will apply ice, take some ibuprofin, wake up face another day of "this crazy life"up tommorrow , and I know I can do it! they say it takes a village, well shit I feel like I have a whole country! then I have the few, that meet for drinks, show up at my house, call for sushi, laugh til it hurts @ BBG, sit here and say nothing at all... but most of all they say "I support you, I love you" well that is just the medicine I need~~~~~~ Thank you my ropes...
Bottom line...you are so loved and supported through the good and bad times in your life! Always remember that! XOXO
I support you. I love you. You can borrow my boxing gloves and mouthguard anytime you want. They're broken in pretty good, Baby. I think there's a karaoke D.J. somewhere reserving a rip-roaring version of "I Will Survive" for you. I'd like to be there to hear you sing it. No, take it back. I'll HELP you sing it. xoxo
Yep, cried ready this post because I feel for you.
You are one tough woman Donna, and you all will be stronger on the other side of this. There are so many people supporting you and cheering for you. Stand tall, but when you need to cry and fall to your knees we will all be there supporting you in ANY way you need us to. xoxo
love, support, wine, oh, lots of wine are here for you too. kelle has the gloves and mouthguard and i have the brass knuckles, the if book, and a pool.
dude, a sleepover is just what we all need!!! fab idea.
love you, donna. thinking of you everyday. sound the horn and we will come runnin.'
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