my favorite running shoe is always Adidas!!!!
my front yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well while I feel terrible for my family and friends in Missouri and Arkansas and Tennessee I feel blessed to live where I live!!!!! I love this time of year in Florida!!! My new thing is to run on the beach! I feel like I live here and I don't take advantage of this beach in my back yard!!!! I love it, the sand, the water, the shells. the birds, all of it! This economy is yucky and lots of stuff is weighing heavy on me... but I am trying to keep it simple, trying to focus on the positive! Things like my kids--- they rock and as hard as it is to raise them everyday, I know that I have great kids! I love my husband, he is a good man and even when we are off, I know that we still love each other deeply. I love that we both are risk takers and not afraid to try, and we both feel like as long as we are in it together we will be o.k. I love my friends, seriously... love them. They make me laugh and if I don't talk to them almost daily I miss them!!! I am trying to embrace the yuckies, to slow down, to find joy in the simple things! I want to sit still and live more in the moment! I want to ski so bad and I know that it is not gonna happen this year, so I pretend plan what an amazing trip we will have next year! I am thankful for a job, and a paycheck, and a boss who is cool, I am thankful for Jack's paycheck and I admire his work ethic. I love that one of my best friends is my little girls teacher, and the comfort and joy that come with that! I love that she is the teacher at school, but still my friend at home! I love my house and even though we are stuffed in here w/ no more room this is the home i brought my babies home from the hospital, this is the home that Jack and I built together--- literally! Well that is it for now-- just random chatter but I needed to say it!
I love this postiive, upbeat, and finding the best in everything we have.
Family, kids, a great place to live...really, who could ask for more?
And I love the beach idea. I will SOO run with you on a weekend morning. I MEAN it!!
wow, your view is beautiful!!! what a great way to start the day!
also, your pics are beautiful. love the sunglass thing you cool!
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