The cheerleaders!!!!

Go Tigers!!!!!

I love this face!!!!!


So our Saturdays are filled with
cheer leading and soccer!!!!! It is crazy... the girls are at one park and the boys are at another, but somehow we seem to make it all happen! Partly thanks to lots of help from Uncle Chet and the boys!!!! I love it!!! I love seeing them get into their "thing" I love and hate being the
goalies mom! One set of parents are yelling for him to "save" and the other set are secretly hoping he "lets one up" I want to yell at them all and say "that's my boy.. leave him alone" The girls are sassy and sweet! They yell out their cheers and shake their little "things" as hard as they can! They and all of the other girls giggle and compare ponytails, all at the same time they are actually trying really hard and improving by the week! We finally get home around noon if we are lucky and then it's lots of rest time! They chill out, we watch football, they run around the
neighborhood w/ the other kids! There is something about this
awesome weather in Florida on October, the "ping" of an aluminum bat and the sounds of of kids yelling and screaming that makes you smile! A really good Saturday would be the sound of the washer, dryer, and the dishwasher all going at once! Man... I love the weekend!!!
Your kids are GORGEOUS!! WOW! OMG! Seriously! Get them into modeling!! STAT!!
Girlfriend, my camera is begging to shoot those babies. Let's talk Christmas cards...soon!
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