so I am trudging along! Trying to get into the Christmas spirit w/ record highs in the 80's!!!! I love living in Florida, love the only life my kids know, but... I long for slightly cooler weather! In the meantime, we always go downtown to see the Christmas lights Thanksgiving weekend(yes, these are a month late... whatever) a few shots of us attempting our Christmas in a tropical paradise! We look forward to our annual tradition of decorating our car and pull trailer(from Jack's construction work) and joining other families at our dear friends house tomorrow night for caroling, jingle juice, and yummy treats tomorrow night! Victoria Park is the "hood" to hang in for the most AMAZING lights ever! Not to mention, the parade of cars that cruise through doing the same thing we are! Stay tuned! My early 2110 resolution is to update more often! Merry Christmas!!!!!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
christmas and such!
so I am trudging along! Trying to get into the Christmas spirit w/ record highs in the 80's!!!! I love living in Florida, love the only life my kids know, but... I long for slightly cooler weather! In the meantime, we always go downtown to see the Christmas lights Thanksgiving weekend(yes, these are a month late... whatever) a few shots of us attempting our Christmas in a tropical paradise! We look forward to our annual tradition of decorating our car and pull trailer(from Jack's construction work) and joining other families at our dear friends house tomorrow night for caroling, jingle juice, and yummy treats tomorrow night! Victoria Park is the "hood" to hang in for the most AMAZING lights ever! Not to mention, the parade of cars that cruise through doing the same thing we are! Stay tuned! My early 2110 resolution is to update more often! Merry Christmas!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
36, 15 years.... and it's all still good

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
So... we had 2 days, a free hotel room and lots of energy to get as much done as we could in NYC!!!! We arrived midday, checked into our room in Madison Square Garden, right by Penn Station, so we could easily hop on a subway if needed, and set out! First on foot to the Empire State Building, where we decided to buy our tix, w/ the ride inside! It ended up to be pretty cool, a simulated helicopter tour of the city, and history of the ESB, all narrated by Kevin Bacon! then we shot up to the 86th floor for some amazing views of the city, and then up to the 102nd floor for an even more exhilarating look! The kids loved it while I literally felt sick having them up there! Then we headed downtown to Little Italy, where we shopped on Canal Street, before dinner at Lombardi's, supposedly the 1st ever pizzeria in the U.S. It was magnifico, as was the homemade wine! Then we took it all in, followed by amazing dessert, and Little Italy at night! We hopped on the train and said to hell with it and headed down to Times Square around 10:00 and took in all of the lights and action! Abby said "mommy, it's like a whole nuther city at night" to which I realized she has the city bug in her just like her mama!!!! Headed back to our hotel around midnight and crashed! (did I mention FREE) Next morning was daddy's b-day so it was his pick. He quickly decided on the Museum of American history, followed by a walk thru Central park, and Lunch at Carnegie Deli. Thank God for the walking because we did not need to eat again for a week after that lunch. We went got our car out of parking and drove down to the WTC site, where we actually had to explain the entire place to our kids, because they are too young to remember 9-11. Sobering to say the least. Then it was time to head to Long Island where we had a very excited group of family waiting to start a 5 day party, ending w/ a Family Reunion, that was more like a wedding reception! Oh how I love my husband family. They are all LOVE all the time. So gracious and hospitable, and always rolling out the welcome mats. Making sure we go home at least 10 pounds heavier, and our kids are spoiled rotten! I will post pictures of all of them in my next post, cuz they are so special, they deserve one all to themselves!!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
our nations Capitol
Sunday, July 26, 2009

We decided to take the scenic route from Charleston to the Outerbanks of North Carolina, alon US 12. Pretty nice lots of farms and a few quaint coastal towns. We broke it up as we were not due at our friends home until Frida, so we stopped in the cute town of New Bern, NC, and discovered alot of historical places dating back to the 1700"s including a reminant of a church where George Washington himself worshiped. Next morning we are off to Whalehead Beach, at the very northern tip if the outerbanks. I am talking where the GPS just doesn't want to calculate, and wild horses roam deserted beaches. Where some areas are only accesible by 4 wheel drive. Upon our arrival we were welcomed by our great friends the Heslins, and her parents beautiful Oceanside home, respectfully called "At Ease"!!!!!!!! Love flowing from this place and, felt like it was our very own vacation home, where we were welcomed w/ ice cold beers on the beach, and grilled burgers, and hot dogs for dinner. We have soaked up every ray of the sun, and truley enjoyed our time on the beautiful beaches. Along w, great food, and lots of wine, and crabbing, and touring the local light houses, and just lots of laughs, both for the adults, and the kids(who have gotten along quite well) We do have 7 of them under one roof!!!!! They have loved learning to boogie boared, and the secrets to catching crabs. I can NOT say enough about the hospitality and great time we have had! Tommorrow takes us to Washington D.C. and I am sure lys more to blog about! I leave you with pictures!!!!!! enjoy!!!!!!
Road Trippin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sit here and it has been 4 days into our trip and I have to say.... wayyyyyy fun! I had planned to blog before now but honestly this whole discovering parts of this amazing country that we live in thing has left us in a few stops with GASP.... no Internet connection! well, that and just plain old tired, I mean the kind of tired that when your head hits the pillow, you don't move for the next 8 hours! The kids have been great, and as long a we stick to our plan of stopping and finding some fun town to walk around in, and discover, they are easily amused. We left Naples Wed. morning around 5 a.m.(yes, that is how we roll) kids slept in the car till around 9! Fed them breakfast of healthy powdered doughnuts, and OJ. This held them til Lunchtime, which was perfect because we had just crossed the Fl/Ga line and it was time for gas. we stopped in the town of Cumberland Island GA., had some sandwiches, and went and took a peek at the National Seashore and the quaint town of St. Marys. then we rolled on to Charleston, our first destination to explore and our overnight stop. All I can say is "hello, cuteness" This town is just adorable, with all of it"s quaint homes, and shops. We took a stroll along the water, and then thru a local park. We landed in this great restaurant/ pirate museum for dinner where we dined on local favorites, of she-crab soup, stuffed collards, shrimp and $3.00 beers for mom and dad!!!! Then we just walked around and took in this town that is soaked in history dating back to the early 1700's. Saw actual civil war sites, and walked where our forefathers walked. Hit the hotel(by the way the Holiday Inn in Charleston Historic Dist. ROCKS) around 9:30 and we were all sound asleep by 10:00! ( I know party animals we are) Leaving you with some pictures of Charleston!!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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