He is back.....!!!!!! That's right our friendly little helper elf "Buddy" is back!!!!!!! He
actually came last year and boy did we have fun with him, but to our
surprise he came back this year!!!! His book tells the story
of a helper elf who is sent here by Santa to watch us and report back to the "big guy" nightly!!!!! We are not allowed to touch him or he could loose his "magical" powers! We CAN talk to him and he can go whisper in Santa's ear, but he is NOT allowed to talk to us... per Santa!!!!!! The excitement in our house tonight is the kind that sends giggles all the way
thru it!!!!! This is why I love this season... the wonder and the magic of it all...
thru them is so great!!!! I wish I could go whisper to Buddy the elf... that they never grow up. That they always
believe in Santa. That the pressure and reality of adulthood is
soooooooo far off that they don't even feel the economic hard times we are against!!!!!!! On that note, I was gonna blog about being
grateful so Here is my TOP 10!!!
1--- I am greatful for God and my faith!!!!
2--- " " " for healthy Kids
3---" " ' for my Man!!!!!!
4--- " " ' for Thanksgivimg w/ a BIG obnoxious Italian family that I adore!!!
5--- " " " a mother who taught me everything I know!!!!!
6--- " " " sisters in laws... cuz I never had a sister!!!!!!
7----" friends who live back to back and feel like family!!!!!!
8----" " " all my girlfriends... who love me for being CRAZY ME!!!!!!!
9--- " " " the wonder of Christmas thru my Kids eyes!!!!
10---" " " Hope.......
oh and as I write this I have a little one w/ strep throat, high fever and all that goes w/ that! I am still grateful.... Yep Life is good... The season is among us and I can feel the spirit of Christmas all around us!!!!!!!!!! Oh and Jack's brother Chet just stopped by and the girls are telling him all about the elf!! I am soooo grateful for Aunts and Uncles who Love my kids as much as me!!!!!! They ROCK!!!!!!